Ever felt like this after you brought your baby home??
Do you feel that you are now completely responsible for the safety of this human being without any instructions??
A father recently explained this overwhelming feeling to me when I supported him, his wife and their 4wk old little boy.
"You feel like you are handed the keys to a jumbo jet filled with people, that you now need to fly, be completely responsible for all the passengers but you have no training or manual to guide you to fly it safely. That's how we felt when we bought our son home. Its scary stuff!!"
If is scary and overwhelming being a first time parent! Being completely responsible for the safety and well being of another defenceless tiny human.
No one hands you a "how to manual" that is designed especially for your baby, everyone around you thinks they know how to help you, you are stressed out and exhausted from interrupted sleep or no sleep & you don't understand what you need to keep things "smooth sailing or flying - so to speak".
Especially in this time with COVID19, parents have never felt more alone and not supported than over the past 2-3mths. It's been a terrible time for many families.....
Here's what I think......especially now after COVID19
It seems crazy to me that all mothers when they fall pregnant to when they give birth, they have a midwife with them on and off for 10mths+, working closely with the family, until 4 about -6wks after delivery, visiting weekly, being your constant support person & someone who really knows your family and your values.
Then what?
We are lucky in NZ to have the WellChild service visiting 3-4 times in the first 6mths of babies life (sometimes more if needed) but what I'm hearing now from families I work with is, that is not enough in regards to the supports they need. Families want to again build that relationship with 1 person postnatally, 1 person that they can rely on, call on frequently, guide them, educate them on current evidence and empower them on the journey thru parenthood without judgement of their family values and choices.
Do you feel like that? Your not alone.
Nurturing Touch can be "Your Person" in this post natal haze. The only thing I can guarantee is I won't fly the plane for you because you are your baby's expert, not me.
What I can offer is the education and non-judgmental support and guidance, as you together as a family, write your own manual in parenting. I always practice from a place that is gentle, responsive, attachment focused and all education is based on current evidence not on opinions.
If this sounds like the support you need now your baby is earth side, then please send me a message and lets discuss your needs to get your plane to land safely.